Drake's Brutal Writing Advice:

Better Writing through Stronger Narrative

$ 24.99 USD

Does your narrative stall your action? Have you chosen the right point of view for your novel?

Well, let me help you with that. Point of View is more than just choosing between first person, second person, and third person. It’s about crafting the perfect narrative drive behind your words so readers crave more. Get ready for an in-depth look at Point of View and all it means. You’ll learn about Narrators, Level of Awareness, First, Second, and Third Person, compelling Prose, and more. Point of View covers the tricky and often misunderstood beast that is Narrative (which is so much more than just Point of View) in full detail. It's yummy writing advice served inside a warm slice of slightly-offensive pie.

Publisher: ‎ DrakeU (July 2, 2017)


Drake U; 1st edition (July 2, 2017)

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Drake’s Brutal Writing Advice
Point of View
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